No words needed
Very close call...
You trash-eating stinkbags!
This pigeon shits on my car every morning.
Jerry Springer Fights Pt. 3
Dapper Cat
Jerry Springer Fights Pt. 2
God I hope I have some uncanny lookalikes 🤞🏼
Jerry Springer Fights Pt. 1
maybe maybe maybe
Austin 7:11
Did Mabel/Viscera take care of his opponent in the ring?
A man before and after a liver transplant
Outjerked by thehockeyguy
The name... the number... He knew
HolUp moment @ :19
Most attractive height for women?
Describe Jaida Parker in one Word.
Separated at birth...
Anyone else have wacky proportions? 6'5" with size 7 feet here
E'tu Bison...
What a difference a capital letter makes...
Umm... Yeah...
Luger and Benoit must’ve had the loosest wrists of 1996.