Why is there a hole in my roof?
Can't find a job
Lowes installed our dryer today like this... They insisted on doing this way. I just ripped it out and directly connected.
Winter radon levels
Crawford Issues (For my Subaru)
Best way to insulate these?
Home Warranty won't replace garage door opener by blaming the garage door
Company started spray foam in my pole building today. How does it look?
Do you keep all lvl 800 items?
Is this salvageable ?
Mortgage was sold. Now what?
How do I get to the wires on this without soldering it on?
What kind of roof is this and did I get bad advice?
Found this little fella. I guess I need cover plates.
Can we just swap these two valves?
Can I mulch small sticks with riding mower?
Bought house tax sale.. didn’t inspect it beforehand..my mistake .. how much to fix foundation?
Clueless! Been having crazy health symptoms with no help from doctors…
Should new gutters do this?
This new-ish hot water heater is not working well. I plan to call the installing plumber, but wanted to inform myself with your opinion beforehand. More details in the comments..
Any advice to tighten or loosen this bolt?
How do I turn off these water supplies?
Rain dripping into interior from stovepipe seems...bad?
My completed DIY thanks to your help.