PM wants 40% of my business
I was just wondering everybody’s thoughts about all the Kate Meenie stuttering John recordings
Kate’s Instagram post.
Gaps in Fireplace Stonework
Tapes are a huge L for John and the dog guy
Am I cooked
Yesterdays Grand Total......
Don barris an tom
Pittsburgh is definitely happening!
3 hour show last night? They must of really raked in the dough, riiiight?
Be sure to join the new sub “ShuliKnew” 😂 whoever created it you’re funny 😄
Rob Saul to break the Kate Meaney tapes. They will expose the Shit Weigher. Tune in on Tuesday
Superchats Still Down.....Where's the Johnsons when you need them?
[Highlight] On this day 16 years ago, James Harrison had the greatest pick six of all time
The Z-Man addresses the ISO-Pedo scandal. Says it should be talked about more often
Masonry apprenticeship at 37
Beaver county migrants
They want to “move on”…
Is TSN actually failing?
Bob took down his show from this morning. Here is some of what you missed.
Pat Dixon taking shots at Chad
Levy Steals John's Entire Act! Even starts calling himself "The Horse"
How much are you paying for health insurance being self employed?
Just a heads up there was just an ICE Raid and arrests in York City today. This is on on door step folks, stay safe