“But Uncle Heinrich, I was just going into Poland to pick up some power converters”
I'm losing my mind
What does my fridge say about me?
The things man will do for a Gibbons
Who else likes their organ timbre really FARTY?
What art has brought you to tears?
How Baby Clones are fed
The Elephant of Henry III was an animal of the king's Royal Menagerie at the Tower of London. The animal was given to Henry in 1254. It was the first elephant to be seen in the country since the the Roman Invasion of 43CE.
It do feel like this though. I'm 'pretty' sure I'm pan? But I'm struggling to know which I am. Any help telling me the core difference between the two would be appreciated. Much love!
14 huge flips down a steep run!! 💕 ❄️
“Full Blooded Italian”
White Alfredo: Then vs Now
Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1: Worst Concerto Ever?
Happy Mozart's Death Day Everyone!
Chang on Deindustrialisation
Arcane S2: Can't decide if woke or hot?
How screwed are you?
Love Hændel? You're objectively wrong.
Dennis Prager reflects on the meaning of life
Byrd shits on Handel
Why do people say Paul was replaced, clearly it was George. He went from inbred to thoroughbred overnight.
outjerked by YouTube
A respectful tribute to the Fab 4 (100% not an awful novelty song)
What his favorite beatles song (and "no I saw her standing there" Or "your sixteen" Get creative you guys)
It's time for your massage; lie face down on the table