Abdel Halim Hafez 5.7 ft (170cm)
Is 300+mgs of caffeine crazy?
Original vs New energy drinks
1987 Memorial Weekend Marathon Prize Package advertisement
Jacob Batalon. Now love yourself and find the one who will too.
80’s Dead Woman’s Shoes and Mr. Wong’s Lost and Found Emporium
I'm doomed to loneliness because I am a nerd
Are there any younger folks here who enjoy The Original Series?
Started a new playthrough, usually play as a male, but am thinking of playing as a female, is their any differences between playing as a male or female?
I’m Button Gwinnett’s biggest fan.
What do you think about this flavor?
A behind the scenes photo of Carol Burnett and Rod Serling during a break while filming “Cavender is Coming.”
So, I chose the "Rockstar" energy drink that is sugar free, because too much sugar is not good for my body.
Did they actually have commercials back in the 60s and 70s with Rod Serling advertising certain brands of cigarettes, does anyone remember?
Are women enacting revenge on men by going after short men?
“Valley of the Shadow” Is a Problem
I Hate Going To The Fort!
Do people on this sub understand the Legion isn’t real?
Rockstar will forever be the best!
I want to watch, Star Trek Voyager or Enterprise which one should I watch?
Whats your favorite character based playthrough you've done?
Face looks pissed when socially anxious
I feel like I'm in an insane asylum have stayed at my parents into my 30s..
What if Dr Pepper Ghost? (but not AI slop)