If you had an unlimited budget, what's the first thing you would buy?
Speed testing site
Everybody behave like you just started playing for the first time
Looking for single player story driven games
Why is this tree floating?
Laptop Recommendation
Tell me what title you use in rl and I’ll decide if you’re allowed in (answering every comment)
Story Game recommendations
best study resources?
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Is TPG A good Internet provider?
Day 2 of trying to get a comment from every Perth suburb
So, 2024 is about to end. How was it for you?
Fortnite cosmetics
Steam Year in Review
What time do the ATAR results come out on december 15?
Enough with best base location, where's the worst place to make your base? (No void)
Tell me your favorite season
How to erase a bunch of pencil at once
How yall think abt phy
How was Human bio
Thoughts on chemistry exam? 😭
[female] been feeling self conscious lately could use some kind words
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
How to solve the cube faster