I hate my 4c hair
I love my Tesla but I hate Elon Musk
Stop obsessing over your IQ score - Address logical fallacies instead
Leave Gifted People Alone
IQ tests are mainly useless
The Musk family of MAGA.
Do you think I'm gifted or near gifted?
What do you think about the struggles of people with pretty privileges? (analogy for giftedness)
Can negative environmental factors causing someone to perform poorly on an IQ test be “reversed”?
Adderall suppresses my non-linear thinking
Can being really smart be really bad?
Too much awareness.
Does anybody else feel like people with an IQ over 130 appear way less intelligent?
Why don't more gifted people go into the humanities?
Research found a person's IQ during high school is predictive of alcohol consumption later in life. Participants with higher IQ levels were significantly more likely to be moderate or heavy drinkers, as opposed to abstaining.
I'm going to disappoint everyone.
Communist/Anti-capitalist ladies. How are we feeling about the election?
If people are gifted, why can’t they use their intelligence to get whatever they wanted?
I suddenly became very good in reading intentions
I'm reluctant to go to African/Black spaces cause they won't include my mom
Video I just recorded I want to be more confident and less anxious
I’m just starting out singing and personally find my voice very uninteresting
Advice + Pros and Cons please. Working on tone and vibrato. Be brutally honest
Would love feedback on dynamics pitch and breath support
Thoughts on my makeup is it too much?