I need advice. I’m attracted to one of my employees.
You have to smile more trust me 😁
what do you notice first
23f, genuinely advice appreciated
Everyone says I look really cute
Made some adjustments
Why don’t hot white guys like black women?
Being 5ft tall is pretty fun
rate me 20F
Wondering 💭😬
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32/ F
Heyyy, I'm feeling super cute 😍
used to be overweight. be constructive F22
40 F, never had a boyfriend and rarely flirted with or asked out, recently lost 110 lbs and working to lose more. What are the biggest things I need to change?
34f rate me, hot or not
Tiny toe spread
Is Choosing to Stay Childfree as a Young Woman a Dealbreaker for Older Men?
Who do you think is more attractive?
Dale Bozio Missing Persons 1986