[Recruiting] 3rd leg | Level 8 | Gold 2 CWL | Th10+ | Community Clan | #2RQVC9PUY
Unpopular Opinion: "Baltais" ir labāks par "Kārumu"
is this balsam popular in lv?
Accidental coffee SCOBY?
The Silica gel pack from my seaweed apparently is from Samsung
ELI5: If we possess desalination technology, why do scientists fear an upcoming “water crisis”?
Kas tieši ir roku darbs?
AITA for refusing to share my bonus with my fiancée’s family?
"Latvijai vajadzētu strādāt sešas dienas nedēļā, nevis sapņot par četrām," uzņēmējs Bite
Darbs noliktavās
Aside from weight loss, what are your favorite side effects from keto?
Trump refuses to denounce white supremacy, says 'stand back and stand by' on Proud Boys movement
Anyone know when ciggiesworld will ship to the UK again?
There’s only two ways
Could someone tell me more about these Limited Edition Camel's that I got?
Got a whole carton of these old camel lights soft packs. Love the art on them every pack in the carton has a advertisement from the 1927
My collection of Gold Marlboro packets before lung cancer's photos ecc. ruin their aesthethic.
I think this camel carton looks pretty dope. The warning label and picture take too much space but still. I think camel has really good design even though the old one was better.
A new favourite. Nicer than normal menthols too!
The United States is 'looking at' banning TikTok and other Chinese social media apps, which may include Reddit
Another reminder PornHub is evil
Just say no to porn
All my homies
Are these good if I want to do 30 day water fast?