On the fence? don't be
Pepto Bismol in Boots!
High suppression but no loss for 1 month - go up or down?
Vitamin/Supplement recommendations?
Do I start tonight? Advice pls x
High protein snacks
What foods give you the worst side effects?
Has anyone not had side effects on 2.5mg
How far do you twist the pen?
Sulphur burps?
Sky News Mounjaro
Pen won't give me my last dose...
Sky news report on weight loss jabs “uk may have reached peak obesity”
provider for newbie
Dads - do you rock a dad bag?
Down on myself after doc visit
Have you experience side effects
I’ve done it
Food Noise
Not looking for medical advice. I was an idiot
Waiting for my first pen to be delivered so I can start my journey. Is there an app or scales anyone can recommend?
Note to those just getting going
Blood pressure improvements with weight loss