Guys I feel lost
Guys I feel I’m lost
Guys I’m so pathetic
wtf is going on
Looked at porn crying rn
Oh hell nah
I’m so sick of campers
Guys I thought of months to help no fap
I feel like Allah hates me
Just relapsed
Asalamualaykum Guys I prayed tawbah then 10 rakat of non wajib salah asking for forgiveness
Asalamualykum I need help RIGHT NOW
I wanna stop now
Does anyone else prefer Rafe with the buzzcut?
Is this what hazrat Ali looked like?
Can even get past day 6
Pls be supportive
Do you guys think it’s true
Made some months to help you
Day 1 completed
Really interested to learn PLS be supportive
I relapsed and I feel like dogshit😞
Salamualaykum brothers and sisters I almost relapsed