Angry incel live on youtube at this very moment, shouting about women not being virgins
What would actually happen if an incel got their ideal tradwife?
Or should I go for shag?
What’s one thing you stopped buying that you don’t even miss?
What do we think of the new staircase?
Can western elements work?
What is this style called?
extremely matted hair for months - please help!
What happened to 100% Wool?
How did I do?
One thing that irritates me: There are seemingly (rare) "perfect" lives, what is their purpose?
Jim Carrey woke up from the Matrix
Age? and nationality?
My wallet is officially a decade old
Raw meat eaters—what is the appeal?
Why are less and less people going to the gym and the mall?
What’s quietly disappeared in the past 20 years without many people noticing?
How to overcome the guilt of existing?
It is important to learn how to control our sexual energy
Activities to do with my partner at home that align with anticonsumption
how to deal with not having attention?
I'm obsessed with superficial beauty
What was the most physically painful moment of your life?