AMA with Mayor Yemi (On Facebook)
Buyer beware with Donelson and the Rockrimmon Library
We won! Rec Weed is legal!
Current City Councilpeople: 2 are on the ballot
City and Dave Donelson are breaking their own laws in City Code to circumvent will of voters
Dave Donelson campaign slogan is Orwellian
Injunction issued against Colorado Springs' marijuana repeal
Colorado Springs voters sue city over recreational pot repeal effort
City Council Votes 7-2 to put 300 up for repeal. It's a crudely-justified denial of the will of the voters... and it could be a good thing. But only in the long run.
I emailed Dave Donelson informing him I would not be supporting his 2nd term as a councilmember. This was his response copied and pasted.