First time playing Cyberpunk - Spent 90 hrs on side quests and gigs because I don't want the beautiful main story to end. The world is so alive and beautiful. I love using the photo feature
The Old Church in Delft, NL, features a leaning tower, which tilts about two meters from the vertical (around half the lean of Pisa)
Making a squirrel game, found this sub, immediatly needed to make the squirrel fat for you. Did i take it too far?
My first pixel art scene
Was trying to find out more about the filming location of the movie Companion, but all the top articles about it in search results are entirely fabricted, AI-generated slob
Strong opinions... 😅
Am I overreacting by considering leaving the U.S. due to the current administration?
Was a bit obsessed when I worked on the upgrade screen
Give this guy a name 🥔 (yes he is smiling)
new show name for my steed
In one picture...
Pot, meet kettle
How do I make my hotel room cool down???
What are your most mainstream and obscure 5⭐️ movies?
'every frame a painting' which film has best looking cinematography
🤣🤣 Männer so, Frauen so, Kennste, Kennste? 🤣🤣
100 Spam calls in two days
Sam Parker threatens to deport Selena Gomez
What is the weirdest but funniest book you ever read?
What's something you like wearing that's "out of style"?
Tried makimg the gate of Spirited Away, any tips on how to make it better? The glass was really hard
Local Walmart looking all Covid-y
🤣🤣 Wer Klima schützen will hat es nicht verdient zu wohnen 🤣🤣
Which movie is this for you?
I [24F] found out my boyfriend [26M] liked random girls’ posts. Is this something we can move forward from?