What are 3 words to describe your LIFE now?
Do you sleep with your socks on or off? Why?
If you were god for 1 day what would you do?
Anyone else who's ok with leaving their house without makeup on?
What is your current phone wallpaper?
How do you stop yourself from eating all the cookies in a pack in one go?
Do you correct other people’s grammar?
Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? Why?
What’s a fictional food or drink you’ve always wanted to try in real life?
What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid?
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten or would consider eating?
What smell makes you want to immediately vomit?
What inspired you to start scrapbooking/journaling?
Was ist die dümmste Frage, die man euch je gestellt hat?
Does anyone easily stress over anything and start to panic like its the end of the world?
What's that one food from your childhood that screams nostalgia?
Hit me with some freeze frames
my bunnies are not with me anymore
Procrastinors of Reddit, what are you currently avoiding?
What is one reason to continue living?
Nur 2 Leute im Studiengang
Congratulations! You now have a lifetime supply of the last thing you google. What is it?
Wie lange ist euer Weg zur Uni und wie würdet ihr ihn bewerten?
What was something that others have commented about you, but you have proven them wrong of?