You know how it is
Ich hasse Statistik
There is way too much coconut oil in vegan "dairy" products
Was macht euer Studium schwer?
I'm antisocial and I'm fine with it....and It's society's fault
Wish I was like y'all.
I accidentally stopped breathing while fronting
kinda nervous about therapy appointments. has anybody switched infront of their therapist?
Requesting people for an interview.
How many Ultraballs + Golden Razz did it take you to catch a shiny Galarian?
What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw these two colors? (NO CHEATING!)
Looking for online friends
How do you guys cut off people?
Why is this happening to my coffee?
How do people perceive you?
Can schizoid be mistaken for ASPD?
Future job and Master degree advice
Type “I am a true…” and let autocorrect finish it
DAE Lose touch with reality easily, then get jolted back to reality?
has T made you grow any taller?
Tell me your favorite game but replace a word in the tile with balls
How did you do?
Comment and I will give you a random Pokemon
What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw these two colors? (No Cheating)