"Where Should I Go?" Mega-Thread
Common misconceptions
Any Americans here feel betrayed by the US?
Student visa to work visa
Shoe conversion
Irritable on HRT?
Nobody tells you about the bullshit of puberty!
Body feminizing workouts
Body feminizing workouts?
Any other asexuals feel the same?
God forbid girls only be freaks in theory 😔
Thank you Jammidoger
3 month check in
Rushing Greek life as a non-binary person
Rushing fraternity or sorority?
What's your 'trans anthem'?
Ya girl's starting to fill out their sports bra!! 😍😍
Who’s your favorite X-men couple ever?
How do you job interview early in transition?
Shoe size conversion
Little environmental studies
Thoughts before I turn this assignment in?
Comparing to cis women