I’m so confused with the situation I’m in
Shopkeeper accidentally gave me gold leaf
I deadass got blocked by a girl for telling her I liked Eminem. Matched with her, exchanged numbers, and boom
Fight in Maidstone
This should be entertaining
Just grabbed this 3.5 of cali £55 what we saying
What an ambition.
Webos23 update dissapeared
What's this
Looking to apply for an apprenticeship
Failed but the test itself was such a good experience!!
My insurance renewal with Hastings.
A response to that "PC vs. console" post.
Keeps doing this idk what to do pls help
Time to rename my ship
This is insane! Last day of beta
What’s everyone smoking on tonight?
Does it get easier?
Traffic light controlled roundabouts
Rate my build, build done!
Just failed first test :(
Does this look like £6800 worth of damage to you?
Rate my newest build
How is this even possible?
Weed Strain Bucketlist