Unless you've been recommended them by a doctor, supplements aren't needed for the ast majority of people.
Are Australians avoiding American products and travel to the US like many other countries are?
You get $100 every time you say one of these strange words in conversation, but if someone brings it up then the money stops.
Roommates didn't get permission to sublet to me, now adding me to lease... but my payslips show our current address?
My boyfriend (M41) lacks common sense and is completely incompetent. I (F28) don't know what to do anymore, I just found out I’m pregnant too
I (28M) caught my wife (27F) watching porn on the night she said no to me for sex. How to move forward?
My girlfriend (23f) and I (26m) do not want kids in the next 5 years but she is not on birth control and against abortion. Is there a compromise i am missing?
Speed breakers cause more accidents than they prevent
What should I do next after a car accident?
Employer who still won’t pay us after 4 years and got away with it. How do we warn other people in Sydney not to ever work for him as he is a snake?
What do you call chemists?
What’s that continuous beep beep sound machine always heard at window? drive thru “(USA)”
Should I say something when my manager asks me how long I’m gonna be in the bathroom for? (USA)
Syphilis without getting sexual with anyone in life. Is it possible?
Men wearing cosmetics are totally fine and should be considered just as normal as women.
French fries are chips, then what do Aussie's call potato chips as?
(USA) Is There no Dairy Queen??
(USA) Manager got scammed
Why don't doctors just put in a fake uterus after a hysterectomy?
How do i (M31) bring up the subject of bathroom etiquette to my new GF (F29) after she left a giant mess in my bathroom?
What do Aussies think of Canadians? I would love to come down there and NZ to work as a psych nurse once I complete my nursing program!
private landlord don't want to give our bond money back can i ask for his cat instead?
I 27M am in a new relationship with 26F. My girlfriend has herpes, I don't. Has anyone been in a similar situation?
Driving in Australia