/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY Keyboard question, get an answer (January 25, 2024)
Here's our entry to the GMTK Game Jam! It's a Reverse Breakout game where you place bricks to defend your core brick. Would love to have some feedback on our submission page!
Haven't seen anybody do that yet, harold, meet bulk detonator
You all made me do this, now what do we name him!? 😂
It requires extreme amounts of self control.
Just had this crazy cave generated, electric crystals spawn rate doubled/tripled compared to normal amounts, deadly corridors for dwarves and bugs alike... Honestly might make a cool mutator!
A while back i made a tool to draw spirographs on your computer, i'm finaly posting a link, you can download the program directly from my github.
It got so hot in my grandma's house that the candles melted
Short video to demo the technic features of my spaceship MoC
Wtf did i just read
How long will 6.5 last before rundown 7 is released?
Can anyone help me figure out what to do with these?
I simulated pendulum motion and graphed the results - A few cool shapes from hundreds of designs
What’s a video game you wish you could entirely forget playing so that you can play it through again?
Hey! not sure if it belongs here, but i'm making a piece of software to draw spirograph shapes! Feel free to ask any questions and give ideas and criticism!
Any suggestions?
F*ck me than
Since I have a gamedev block I am currently making a repo with effects. Any suggestions?
PCMR JUST TURNED 10 YEARS OLD! AND HIT 5 MILLION SUBS! So we're celebrating with a giveaway!
I wouldn't want to be the manager
Hi there! It is my first time making a game, i chose pico8 and i just wanted to share this, i managed to make the enemy actually shoot at the player, it's not that impressive but it took some math and i'm proud of it !
LUDIC Studios, praying this game is still in development.
Don’t worry about it.
How’s your mental health doing right now?