What's your socket storage preference?
I clean a few houses on the side. Found this under a rug, pls don't tell me they're not pulling the "if they don't bring the money to you, they didn't clean under the rug. if the money is gone, they stole from you" test
Checking out this beginner lathe for myself, am I getting swindled?
This is a good deal, right?
So how do I attach this ? Can I just cut the hose and crimp it ?
Got a job as a pipefitter… can I use common sense to get through never having been a dedicated pipefitter
What video game have you put the most amount of time into?
How did that person in your high school die?
Making stronger hexagons
My newest SuperMax cell block. I really like the dark aesthetic of the metal floor cells combine with concrete tiles and the rain. This took careful planning and I love how it looks.
Need some work truck advice
I want your opinions on my work table design before I build it.
Gas cylinders
Rest of his sentence and then some in solitary
What car do you drive and what’s the monthly payment?
Guards not escorting prisoners anymore
Is TWS worth it?
Torque Wrench Recommendation
RIP in peace, valiant soldier
What finish would you use?
Is this the worst prison of all time?
Preparation for welding?
Is Etsy worth selling on as a small artist
$50k Pella windows, did I get screwed?
If I can afford it, should I get a Saw Stop as a first table saw?