What audiobooks are so well performed, that you’re missing out if you read the book instead?
Don’t want to be a therapist anymore.
What is something you avoid for your mental health?
Do you regret having kids? Do you regret not having kids?
Can a massage make things worse?
Beware of Hot Water Bottle syndrome!
Is there something you wish you did differently in your career path as a therapist?
What are you scared of as an adult that you weren’t scared of as a child?
Did you recover naturally or with surgery?
Husband wants my 17 year old son to contribute to his share of food
Do the weird aches and pains ever go away?
What's something that some people have that they don't realize is a huge flex?
What is a harsh reality of life everyone needs to hear?
What’s a Show so Deep, That You’re Still Thinking about it Years Later?
Work Complications due to pain
Which NSAIDS actually work for you?
Recovery success story
I wish I had my surgery sooner
I need my immune system to eat the disc herniation quicker
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
What is one "never have, never will" thing for you?
What sentence do you use to start sessions?
Buzzing, tingling, numbness
What are your go-to questions to get the conversation going again when a client isn’t talking much?
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?