What’s an experience that instantly made life feel 10x better?
What helps you deal with chronic pain other than medication?
is the screen sharing saved in the calls log and accessible later like the audio with apple support agents?
HALP: lost desktop documents from my hard drive when I synced and then unsynced "desktop and documents" with iCloud.
Do I forfeit my FHSA qualifying withdrawal benefits if I get married to a homeowner?
Does unused FHSA contribution room only start from the year the account was opened?
Men, how did it go for your relationship, if your wife turned physically ugly?
Sex in long term relationships
Dating in your 30s
How do you feel about financially splitting 50/50 with a female partner?
Looking for a reasonably priced mental health therapist. Could be oakville or burlington
Looking for Late-Night Study Spots Near Oakville During Uber Eats Shifts
Hair stylist recommendation for thick hair?
What is the single most underrated pleasure in everyday life that most people overlook?
How many different homes have you lived in over the course of your lifespan?
Why is Roots so expensive? I dont think its made in Canada… and i feel its over rated. Any one else thinks same?
"The good ones are taken," after 30 and dating
Is anyone out there still rawdogging sleep?
Men what made you changed for the better in marriage?
Adults of Reddit, what do you miss most about your childhood?
What's the biggest waste of money you've ever seen people spend on?
I just need to scream into the void.
Which hobby drains your bank account the most?
Northern lights
I Got Married This Past Weekend