JNMIL hijacking LO's first birthday celebration
Changing my last name
14 month old won’t stop pinching my nipples while nursing and I’m going nuts. Help!
Relocating to Canada
How many of you treat your toddlers like adults?
3 week old baby
Does one have to carry their GC now in case they’re stopped?
Update Pokémon home the rumor was right
If it were a zombie apocalypse what 6 Pokemon would you choose for survival and why?
10 Year Ban
Is there any way to obtain Mimikyu before becoming a champion?
How are you reacting to the news that the diamond bubble has officially popped?
Why don’t they just take the shortcut!?
Best pokemon for no trades?
Eevee Where Are You???
What did your toddler eat today? I’ll go first.
What's a habit you started with your toddler that you now regret?
How to handle a parent who doesn’t parent
Do you guys enjoy watching streamers do Nuzlockes?
I’m here for you. Many of us are
What pre-evolution shinys do you wish you never evolved? Mine was magnemite. My magnezon really is just a basic blue button boy. Bonkers.
i am about to start serving at a strip club and i need advice
Birthright Citizenship
Ending Birthright Citizenship
How many people in this sub are Taylor Swift fans