I thought I had anxiety problems, turns out it’s just ADHD.
Winter in an un-winterized camper… struggling and could use a little help
I thought this was going to be a lot harder than it is.
Parents of 3 year olds: how are you surviving?
Daisy 🌼 says hello!
Song that goes from slow melody guitar to massive burst in the end ?
look at what we might get this tour...
I’m about to drive across the country for 5 days with an almost 3 year old. How screwed am I?
How do I communicate to my husband that he’s the asshole?
Most impressive run of albums in pop punk ? Obviously blinks run from 97 to 03 is iconic.
How did you/do you afford to be a SAHM?
Top 5 songs
At 2 years, 9 months, I am finally done breastfeeding.
How do people have more than one child lol
Day 7: What song made you a fan?
Recommend a band you love
Day 5: Most skipped song
Day 3: Unequivocally the best
DAY 2 : Most underrated song
I Want To Disappear Tour set list
My Wife Is Severely Ill, And A Third Pregnancy Is The Only Cure. I'm Devastated.
I've decided to give up the vegan lifestyle
my son is involuntarily “crawling” middle of the night and during naps. Send help.
Moving to Edmonton Megathread 2024