“eVeRyOne I DiSaGrEe WiTh is a NaZi”
1944 - My grandpa, a proud American. Also a Nazi Killer.
'Murica 🇺🇸🦅
With recent events, thought I'd make something we can all agree on
Are these Syrian or dwarf hamsters?
I am reviving the ship!!
Fiona gave birth!!
Ultron helmet
Before and after Power’s bottom surgery. I feel so bad.
Someone is
Does this sub allow tiktok screenshots
They're always projecting
Arcee cosplay
A joke about Hitler in a joke book from 1940
How can I wash frozen fruits?...
How does someone get to this point
Black Flag Folded Book
Is it normal to experience pain for days after doing it for the first time?
Hey, wait. Didn’t Elon say we should post more “positivity” on Twitter?
Oats please don't identify them as food fit for Humans.
I drew irises on Bluey characters on how I imagine them!
I’m not super invested in punk culture but…this is NOT it, right?
my parents decided that this post i shared to my instagram story is “insulting”
Good advice
i fucking love the power that comes with being an artist so I diabolically bought an 80 dollar brush set and painted this