What are your opinions on Halle Berry's performance as Catwoman?
What's that show for you?
Thoughts on “Community” (2009-2015)
What are some forgotten ABC sitcoms?
DC gave Batman a new logo, thoughts?
Should I change my "Shrallpaper"(Shrek wallpaper) to this Batman one?
What's your favorite children/teen sitcom?
So familiar! What's your comfort show?
Dharma and Greg. This show was hilarious, Larry and Greg's mom always made me laugh
Idc what anyone says, Man Bat will always be an all time classic rogue to me
Lmao 🤣😂
Best season of any TV show?
Nazis are bad Bill
It's good that we all respect the law.
As of 2025, this episode appeared about 45 years ago. (WKRP in Cincinnait)
Did you know 18 different sitcoms were among the top 30 ranked TV shows in 1991-92?
The top-rated shows of 1991-92. What sticks out to you?
My mom named me after Naruto
What's your favorite series that Dan Harmon has written so far?
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