Why I rebuilt ProseMirror’s renderer in React
I made an open-source, self-hostable synced narration platform for ebooks
Storyteller is on PikaPods!
Urge your representatives to support the Medicare for All bills!
smoores.dev - Announcing: @smoores/epub
Web technologies that were the "future", but instead burned bright for a bit and died rapidly?
Overcoming I/O Limits in Node.js (with streams!)
What are some tools you'd love to see self-hosted, but currently lack decent open-source or self-hostable alternatives?
Is a login system still a taboo for amateur developers?
[AskJS] Do you think your open source library / project needs a page that collects "Thank you"?
[AskJS] Yarn 4 somehow still runs batch script on Windows
Issues with Plasma Big Screen
EPUB3 Audio playback issue and questions
Request for help: Debugging a slow connection between local devices in only one direction
Help please: Forwarding ports when connected to gateway over Wireguard VPN (USG)
I bet you don’t use these Javascript tricks and pratices
Looking for a statically deployed site-builder / CMS that stores content in GitHub
Official Discussion - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 [SPOILERS]
TIL that you don’t shouldn’t be generating TypeScript declarations for a distributable library
Introducing: React ProseMirror!
Build Your Own: React, ProseMirror, and Redux
Protect America's Rock Climbing Act Introduced in Congress
Changes to the Name Change Procedure in NJ, accurate for 2022!! (includes info about joint name change cases for multiple people in the same household)
Unable to reach self-hosted HTTPS services through Wireguard
Deno is going to support npm packages!!!