Encouragement in light of weight and body talk
Empfehlung Wein Clubs
Tipps für jemanden, der nach Bayern umzieht?
I’m looking for a female protagonist book that you all enjoyed, preferably upbeat, comedic, and a page turner.
Palate help
Was ist euch wichtiger: Gehalt oder die tatsächliche Arbeit?
This is for the people who Run in underwear
What time of day are you the most awake?
Best Kept Secret
Primitivo Synonyms
Why can't I sleep next to people? Specifically partners?
What do you think life would be like if you were diagnosed as a child?
What careers are good for women with autism?
How do you or your partner ask for sex?
Do you have trouble following the plot in movies?
How long does it take you to read a book?
Are any of you Savant Autistic?
Why drink Cab Sav when there's Petite Syrah and Zinfandel?
How to live with someone without getting overstimulated and have meltdowns/shutdowns?
“I only drink red wine” your thoughts.
how to quit salt (i swear this is autism related)
Unwanted observations from aussie
Today, I learned that I have a savant skill
Midnight Library is the biggest deception of my year