The car that keeps you connected.
Mother of all fluffiness-
She just got buried six feet deep
Having a pet for that long is truly rare. Always show them your love.
Frosty appeared without his raincoat again.
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What is the lowest number of visits you have for a cat while also having their memento?
Do you guys think I have a problem ?
[homemade] Cherry cream cheese vol-au-vent Danishes
Walter woofs being called a good boi. 🐾
This cute cat followed me all the way to my home. 🥺
I keep a waterproof notebook in my shower to draw what I see on my terrazzo walls (and to write down shower thoughts). Do you see the schnauzer on slide 4 that I drew on slide 3?
Why does Willie’s face still show up as if I haven’t taken a picture of him yet?
This was the first time he decided to visit. And I missed it.
Just having a break after all the hard work cleaning dishes
how am I doing?
Finally got Frosty without headscarf
What color are my eyes??
Anyone want some?
Luna being a model as usual
pls rate me!! 18f
Got to 7's!
If Gordon Ramsay can be a human being amidst all the anger, so can you.
Tubbs is always very generous.