This choice is absolutely
Jinx and Vi have kids with their partners, ¿what name would they give them?
Does anyone feel like AF/UA and Omniverse had totally different vibes?
Add charactera the fodderizes Yogiri
New video on the way after Classic Man D downplayed my boy
Name a character that can beat yamato in a battle
new video coming out
Aight Let settle the debate or start more controversies who is actually the strongest anime character?
Seeing this kind of thing on an argument gives me an aneurysm.
Who would win this fight
What fictional character do you want Ben to Humble by beating the absolute brakes off of em?(Raven Branwen from RWBY)
Ben Tennyson coming to remnant and he meets Raven Raiding a village(She barely escapes with her life)
All my Ezjinx/Boomraider doodles so far!!!
Who are your favorite match-ups? I want to see Ben vs. Invincible
Stick Contessa and Azmuth From Ben 10 in a room for Two hours how does it go?
How well do you think Ben Tennyson would fair against leviathan
Put these two in a room for 2 hours and What happens?
Pick your poison
Monolith productions shut down by WB, Wonder woman game cancelled
Monolith is gone now and took our hopes for sequel game / games with it
How will ben be able to handle a immortal villain who can’t die
I guess it is easier to review bomb the game then search for truth. Sad thing to see.
Which Lantern corps does each Ben 10 character belong in?
Who’s a character that could humble egotistical all for one ?
What's your opinion on him