Tell me I’m not alone…
anyone else sick of the people saying doechii copied nicki
Not really a question I just want the Americans who lurk in here to know:
Does anybody what it is ?
Visit the less obvious Canadian cities!
How are you feeling right now?
Did anyone else's Vyvanse just double in cost?
Canadians, do you feel like this a "united we stand divided we fall" moment in history. In respect to what's happening in America right now.
I was starting to consider having children...
Do you shower in the morning or when you go to sleep? And why?
Do Canadians find it offensive if a foreigner makes fun or impersonates a Canadian accent?
What is even going on the USA?
Does anyone else’s Rottie like to carry small trees? 🤣 My sweet Nola thinks she’s a lumberjack 🌲 🪓 🪵
Any other ADHD women find edibles don’t work for you?
Warning: Do not post pics of your dog! Someone WILL call PETA on you!
Tell me you have ADHD without telling me you have ADHD
My girlfriend (19f) wants to break up with me (20M) because I'm going bald, what can I do to save my hair?
Wait… are you guys married???
Does she look like a well bred rottie?
How to cope with feelings of hatred toward men?
Which type of beauty do you find the most appealing - Korean, Japanese or Chinese?
It takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep, does anyone have any tips or tricks? Please?
Can people look better in their late 30s/early 40s than their 20s? Example: Pierce Brosnan age 20 vs age 41
Finally at a point in my life where I'm cooking regularly instead of binging processed food
Has anyone ever had an issue like this with their female dog? I noticed her Vulva was chapped like.