Our band
Old Nick - Ghost O' Clock!
My eyes are past the point of needing bleach, please rip them out
Our Band (self promo)
What the acctual guck die i stumble uppon
Looking for bands with anti fascist lyrics
My main vest
Is this trve and kvlt ?
Corpse paint with a Iron Maiden T-shirt???????????????
School Shooter Black Metal
created an account just to post my little collection lol
What is going on??? Seen above I75 south.
Old vest
Spotted in Cincinnati
Yall i barely even use this app and i knew i had to post this one..
Average Full of Hell fan
Been meaning to post this since finishing it. Mostly metal, power violence, grind, and queer stuff
tx2 battle vest 💀💀
"they just enjoy dark themes"
So I've just been getting into black metal and...
Best NSBM?