Funniest thing a judge has said in court?
Claiming to be my client?
BWT - How can we stay comfy but look finished working from home?
Law Student with 0 Fashion Sense, Help!!
Men, do you REALLY know what you want fairly quickly?
BWT- Where are we learning how to update our makeup skills?
BWT! Help a girl out with some hair oil recs please!
BWT- how are you curbing those evening sugar cravings?
Do you bill/count time spent on self improvement?
BWT, what to wear on legs with denim dress in spring?
Work Appropriate??
BWT, what are the perfect office heels, similar to the Sezane Alice Heels?
ISO: leakproof waterbottle that looks good in court
BWT, where are we getting fluffy, absorbent towels that don’t shed all over?
Poll: Is lying about age on OLD profiles a non-starter?
Ever get asked why you never got married ?
BWT… how are we stopping raccoon eyes?
How to make a romantic connection on a first date???
I guess I’m a tree lawyer now? (Dumbest legal argument ever)
BWT— Help me create a capsule wardrobe from scratch?
What to do if you suspect a girl to have a wrong idea about your age?
BWT, how are you storing your keepsakes? Cards, wedding invites, tickets, small trinkets etc.
[BAG ADVICE] Wife needing new (very specific) carry on
LBWT pro/cons of different dating apps?