Tomorrow will be Bowies last day. Wish him happy birthday
Weekly Reading Offer & Request Thread
Psychic-Medium looking to practice!
Can anyone help me figure out what I witnessed years ago?
What was the best Pastry you've ever had?
Redditors, what's your hack to fall asleep quickly?
Hey friends! I was asking for help yesterday and you all gave me so much validation and confidence! I ended up just doing my eyes, brows, and a bit of blush and was told it was good! Thank you for your feedback! I appreciated it!
What makeup style looks best on me?
Found in my sock drawer. I do not have children.
Does The 1 Percent Really Exist?
Which wedding band should I choose for my pear engagement ring?
Other methods to improve psychic abilities without mediation
What's the worst thing your parents have ever said to you?
Why in the movies they always take pills without water ? Who does that ?
What’s a product that you can’t believe people actually buy?
I just managed this on a retail hourly wage and I’m so happy! I think she will be too!
If you could permanently delete one song from existence, never to be played or heard by anyone ever again what song would that be?
I had to say goodbye to my best friend today. I’m sad but here’s a picture of us loving life.
What’s an old saying that you refuse to stop using?
What’s a popular food\beverage that people swear by , but you can’t stand it ?
Where my soundbar’s remote ended up after wife shook a cloth outside of a condo window
What is the worst ice cream flavor that is at least somewhat popular?
What will you never buy cheap?
Made these on my bitrhday for work, nobody really ate them.
What is the most interesting fact you know?