[Meta] What's better? Pokemon X or Y?
Enclave convention on Canada ( Part 2)
By order of President Granite and The Aurora Accord!
The Enclave and Fenrir teaming up with Gunn, war really does make strange bedfellows doesn't it? (I know I know, Reformer Enclave, but still)
You should have given the crown to your daughter, Yorkton. Now you’re gonna drive your realm into the ground with you
The Formation & Signing of The Aurora Accord
Finally a chance to ACTUALLY resolve the conflict and leftists are losing their mind
Level of support poll
Got this guy, do i get a token for letting him in?
Please Ignore Fenrir, we'll figure that out later, for now we're gonna win this!
Things are kinda getting confusing, who is on which side in the meme war again? I know that Lan is with the Enclave, Man is with Fenrir, and who else exactly? Video unrelated,
Thailand’s royal family. Most progressive in Asia (or in the world)?
Alright enough peace lets continue the war.(also FENRIR Gunn alliance!)
Gonna start drawing Syria like this until their Independence is recognized worldwide
What paths of the focus tree did he choose ?
The Emperor Proclaims! The Corpse King gave away half the Kingdom and is now hiding and cowering while spouting nonsense in an attempt to destabilize our Holy Alliance. If he truly cared for the people of Manitoba he wouldn't have sold it out to its enemies all those years ago!
What kind of egotistical fuck has a painting of himself behind where he sits?
It is the natural conclusion of things
Never forget the true OWB meme war
People of Langenburg... We may not see eye-to-eye on most matters, but surely you understand that an alliance with the Enclave is a deal with the devil. For the sake of all of Canada, abandon your so-called "allies" before they do worse to you
Kingdom of Manitoba prepares to invade Langenburg
Hear, Hear Imperial Subjects. War has always made for strange bedfellows and having seen Enclave Remnants with Britannian Sympathies we will not let the Gunnites slander of them stand!
It's over, traitors, I have already portraited you as a virgin (no pun intended for the devs)
The Emperor would like to reminds his subjects that while the rest spew their hateful rhetoric we mustn't forget why we fight. We must not forget our noble goals, where some of us fight for the idea that all men are made equal, while others of us fight for our children's tomorrow.