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I feel guilty I beat the shit out of my mom. How do I not go to hell
TRUMP end birthright citizenship, what is your thoughts OSP in US?
Sadapay sucks (now)
My continued nightmare experience with Dell support & Alienware laptops
Overseas Pakistani
How many haven’t fapped this year?
Sadapay vs Nayapay
HELP! Battery disconnect????
NayaPay or Sadapay with international mobile
New machine finally here. Ram question
RAM upgrade query
Which one should I choose, S24 or S24plus?
Mute button static sound?
Here we go again.
Netflix is starting to publish the WWF/WWE PPVs, but there is still no trace of the programs and PPVs of WCW, ECW and the territories
Wifi drops causing Routines issue
I miss Pakistan
This pic is so sad,it makes you reflect on all the lives lost in creation of this country...yet here we are ..at the bottom of pyramid of consciousness and mortality,our everyday lives littered with corruption.
"The old man is dying of exhaustion. The caravan has gone on" wrote Margaret Bourke-White, the photographer. Photo of an elderly abandoned Panjabi Muslim couple and their grandchildren sitting by the roadside; wearied by their travels in 1947 during the Great Exodus following the Partition of India
I had enough, i am taking ufone to consumer court