Veggie orzo was a triple-serving hit!
Nitroglycerin paste to save his toes?
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
Chronic patients stuck in ICU
This pitbull charity is selling tools for forcing nanny dogs to release their jaws
“Social, wiggly and excitable” shibble “earned best possible behaviour rating” but is also so uncontrollable it can’t be walked and bit two handlers, sending one to urgent care
14 months & not talking - how to help?
What is actually worth making on your own?
It finally happened to me: a coworker blamed another dog for her pit's murder
Momo twin NICU stories?
25w6d IVH Hydrocephalus and Home
UPDATE: “Moo”, the aggressive kennel fighting pit that has been warehoused for almost an entire year and has bitten two shelter staff members, has been “reserved for rescue”
Patient family adding tasks to brain on Epic via MyChart?
My son suddenly developed a peanut allergy and I’m feeling defeated
Hello Nurses!
What’s the funniest thing a patient has said to you?
What helped you the most?
[Routine Help] Big pores and blackheads 🥲 pls help!
Bad news for us female nurses, the wonderful bachelors of reddit don’t want to date us :(
One sensitive twin at preschool
2024 Fatality List
Thankful for modern medicine!
What non-respiratory related thing does your hospital make you do?
Pluto is where this dog should be yeeted to
If you are thinking about hurting others or can't cope with stress, please find a different job