This is Ella. She's almost 6 years old now!
A green-core oregon sunstone faceted to look like an eyeball with the green centered at the iris.
Browns GM: Deshaun Watson Re-Injured Achilles During Normal Rehab amid Contract Rumors
AIO to think this individual I know personally should NOT be practicing medicine?
MOD APPLICATIONS OPEN, please see below for details
ANNOUNCEMENT: Moderator Applications Opening Shortly. And a poll on whether or not to accept applications from gem professionals.
This sub needs a to just merge with ShinyPreciousGems already
Making it about her yet again.
If not nazi, why nazi shaped?
AITA for making my BF’s mom cry because of a “petty” rule?
Female teacher who had student's baby didn't tell her husband it wasn't his child
What's an Always Sunny quote that would get you banned from reddit?
Bought a Balenciaga City Bag and had it restored. He did a great job repairing damage to the edges and leather but it came out a slightly different color blue. All in all, very happy with the work (and the cost!)
Variety ranks Lamorne Morris as Winston Bishop in New Girl at 82, for The 100 Greatest TV Performances of the 21st Century!
What do you think of this method for catching snakes? 🐍
Reddit Commission 2.65ct unheated Sri Lankan purple Sapphire 7.24mm. I don't cut commissions, except when I do :-) This collector is pretty special to me. I bought the piece a few years ago, and did a recut/repolish on it to make it perfect.
AITA for unassigning immediately after receiving “special instructions“?
She has like 3 lines but it always cracks me up fr 😭😭
Passing joke that gets you every time?
Too much accessorizing or does it look cute?
smg’s instagram post
New Girl Reboot
One word that instantly makes you recall a whole piece of dialogue from Friends
Nick Miller Nick Miller
“How do you like me now gay boy” Roxy was underrated.