yt_dlp fail with any youtube video
yt-dlp release 2023.12.30
Trouble Updating to 2023.11.14 on Termux
yt-dlp release 2023.11.14
yt-dlp release 2023.10.13
[youtube] loads of 503 errors.
yt-dlp release 2023.10.07
yt-dlp release 2023.09.24
CVE-2023-40581: `--exec` command injection vulnerability when using `%q` on Windows
Fragment 1 not found
Constantly get "ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden"
CVE-2023-35934: File Downloader cookie leak vulnerability in yt-dl/p
yt-dlp release 2023.07.06
yt-dlp release 2023.06.22
Adding new URL to valid list of URLs does not work
TIL about yt-dlp's amazing --embed-metadata flag. What are some other essential settings for dedicated data hoarders?
YouTube is Slow [MEGATHREAD]
Member stream download not working
yt-dlp release 2023.01.02
yt-dlp release 2022.11.11
issue: yt-dlp doesn't download all comments
Is it possible to download a Youtube channel in order of most popular to least?
Help with argument 'max_comments' via TarTube GUI
yt-dlp release 2022.10.04
YouTube video has a different Title on website VS on CLI , how is it possible?