fsread.nvim - flow state reading in neovim
Feline.nvim is archived. You can blame reddit for this one
catppuccin.nvim v1.0.0 released with backwards compatibility promise
Introducing neovim config written in C
o1 model got nerfed again
o1 can no longer count number of r's in strawberry while legacy gpt-4 can
ChatGPT o1-mini is silently getting nerfed again (With evidence)
Laggy NVIM configuration
Jarring code snippet color
Startup time speed difference between WSL2 vs. native Windows
Background Highlight Behavior
Neo-tree looking weird
What advice would you give to yourself on neovim if time traveled back in time when you just discovered vim/neovim?
Help with Catppuccin auto theme?
How do I fix the bufferline and catppuccin-mocha interaction problems?
Noob: Catpuccin background not being transparent
Pylance inlay hints broken since version 2023.7.21
Highlights messed up
Hot take 🥵
Does anyone know what is causing this?
Any good looking black theme?
none-ls.nvim is a community fork of null-ls.nvim
Introducing roobert/palette.nvim - A beautiful, versatile, systematic, Neovim theme system
vim.fn.has is an anti-pattern for backwards compatibility check
Two-Way AI Noise Cancellation is usless