How much does the surgeries the trans player wants cost in South Korea?
We need nathan for you back!
Anybody else not ready to see Squid Gamed end?
Favorite game? I’ll go first:
scenes that icked you out?
What are some decent budget nylon string/classical guitars?
Mitski albums be like
I love how non-cohesive they look together
what’s the worst way s3 could end?
Who would the prologue pov be in WOW if you had the choice? (Spoilers Main)
Has there been any news?
Just started a new playthrough and received a bunch of items from an NPC
New cd!!
What is this song???
Do you guys think we could see a flashback to the frontman’s time in the game in 2015?
Adrianna is a bad person
(Spoilers Extended) The biggest shift in fan expectations for The Winds of Winter
The limits of reality in Kenny Vs Spenny?
Examples of songs he ripped off
The Abyssal woods will forever disappoint me.
Now That There Is Officially 2 Seasons, Which One Is Better And Why?
How does the recruiter/games know of everyone’s personal details and debts?
any ways to improve how i play
What’s up with clementines recent popularity?
I'm upset of how short the game is