What type of dog is this?
AIO- my fiancé said that I’m not a woman because I don’t have kids.. I’m about to turn 30.
My vision is getting worse
Looking for books about fucked-up women doing fucked-up things
THC tincture oil "down there" for libido
Anyone experiencing the same thing?
Worst symptoms?
Avascular necrosis
Diagnosis/ help cbc
What helps you deal with chronic pain other than medication?
Sjogrens and lymphoma
Diagnosis of sjogrens.
Hip tear?
GUS just turned 7 months....
seeking recs!
My first foster and my first foster fail ❤️
What breed is my dog?
Retail Weed Sales Headed Toward Restriction in Tennessee As Legislature Considers New Bans
I’m 15 and my gf might be pregnant. I need advice, please
What breeds do you think she is?
Caught a stray! What breed is he?
How old were you when your chronic pain started, and if you don't mind saying, how old are you now?
Capital One's System Wide Issue Affecting Direct Deposits and Payments
For the thrifters out there
Vehicle/Train collision on Highway 70 in Belle Meade.