Creepy clown man followed me in fallout
Ten game losing streak finally broken. Over three hours of losing. I will never play comp after 1am ever again.
Solo Queue vs Duos, Trios, and Stacks. Do they play in the same games?
Who do you despise to play against to the point it makes the game unfun
Don't switch to a character you don't know how to play just because your team asked.
Are there any tropes you thought you’d hate but ended up loving because of a specific book? 📖
What is 'too far' in a fanfiction?
How do I improve myself to stop dropping from gold to silver?
Are there foods you can only tolerate for a bite or two?
Here’s the latest pick/ban rates
I don’t know how they could possibly think someone would respond positively
What are totally normal and perhaps even courteous things authors do that put you off?
Wish people would realise they can't just play DPS every game
It'd be really cool if the amplifier gave a small buff to heals tho.
The Competitive mode's losing streak hits different.
Y'all need to start pushing the point
What is everyone’s least favorite character (not to fight or their design, just someone you don’t find fun to play)
What’s a moment in gaming that made you stop and say, ‘Wow, this is why I love video games’?
Books that have the same dynamic as Rio and Beth from Good Girls?
And no one will swap
I just want someone to talk to. And this bot keeps removing my shit.
I don’t care if someone isn’t playing up to your standards, being “competitive” isn’t an excuse to harass someone. - A Captain America main
Stop playing ranked if you’re not gonna play competitively.
As a support main, who are the EASIEST players to heal?