Work from home cuteness.
For anyone curious or concerned about cooking on glass top. Here is mine after 15 years of cast iron abuse.
Are women typically more picky about age gaps than men?
Daily check in !!
Livre de fantaisie avec hero lesbienne ? (Adolescent/adulte)
My dentist asked me if I was a Lesbian
In need of community
Top sirloin from earlier post. Cooked in cast iron with some rub, rare. It was very good.
Just a dyke cardigan going to work
Pass or smash ? 30 $ CAD for Angus Beef top sirloin.
Steak in Whistler, Canada
Something about this outfit isnt working
Harness suggestions
Holiday Season by Jenifer Prince
Christmas market
I didn’t know you could run
Normal life selfie
Why don't so many lesbians want kids?
Sea of thieves mates ?
Looking for Platonic PC Friends, a 30F 4th Meal Night Owl [EST]
Implant failure or TMJ ?
Dentist diagnosed ´bruxism’ recommended John Wort at bedtime, acupuncture and Botox injections . Thoughts ?
Need help with cravings