TM Sub Husband reporting for duty 🫡 : I don’t want anyone to forget Jaylens blouse
Can LH tests turn darker before pregnancy test strips? 13 DPO
What's a dead giveaway someone grew up as an only child?
Anyone get Norovirus?
Unpaid Maternity Leave?!?
Picked up this Crater Blue set at the Disney Springs Lululemon location yesterday. Looking forward to Magic Kingdom today!
how to plan a solo trip to Yellowstone?
What’s the consensus on Shipley’s Candy Cane Crunch Donut?
Evaluations are meaningless now
Teacher gifts
Recommendations for hand cream?
What the heck is going on with all this pneumonia
Maternity leave when giving birth during summer?
Should I have a wedding?
What particularly violent scene from an already violent movie really messed you up, or stuck with you over the years?
After two years of marriage, my (38M) wife (36F) has not adjusted to being an us. How can I communicate to her that this is hurting me?
Suggestions wanted!
Hit piece attacking Teachers for taking their allotted sick days
Best animal attack scene in cinema history?
Fever at 4 weeks
Doctors of reddit: What was the wildest self-diagnoses a patient was actually right about?
On average, how many days of work do you miss each school term?
Hospitalized with pneumonia, COVID and a red itchy rash in my first trimester.
People keep harrassing me about only having one child. They stop bothering me when I explain why in detail.
Ring dunk drink alternatives / advice?