Ah yes, because women typically do none of these things🥴🙄🙄🙄
Hinge Rage Bait
Re: Found a High Value Man!
Found a high value man!
Do older women dislike foreigners in VN?
How would you feel if you saw this on someone's profile?
I have a question
This was after speaking for a few minutes, is it strange that someone isn’t willing to share their name or is it normal?
Review break up text I received
A guy I’ve been talking to for about an hour (multitasking with the fights)
Why are women like this?
Someone ended a chat with me. Did I do something wrong?
This is a long conversation, but I honestly had fun with it
Premium Price
So according to this guy women are only good for making babies
For the dudes; do you reply to first messages like this?