Islamophobia has become normalized.
Ending my relationship after solo travel!
My driving instructor has decided not to let me use their car a week before the exam, do I need to notify the test center that I am driving my own car?
What prison cells look like in some countries.
Islam forbids actions like this. If you seek to discipline your children, do so with wisdom and set a good example, just as the Prophet (peace be upon him) did.
Men who don't want children
Here’s best way to prepare for Ramadan.
Here’s best way to prepare for Ramadan
Luqman(a:) to his son
Guys I’m so tired of this journey!
He tried to blend in.
Marriage does not solve this addiction
Why has dating become so Impossible?? - Toronto
How rich are you?
My favorite was the drag back
a surprising comeback by the afro centrist "moorish American movement" who claim Moroccan identity with a new little cringe fest, what's your take ?
Home loan canceled
Would u marry a girl in law enforcement or military?
Paid off my student loans today
Father passed away; please make Du’a.
Elon Musk threatens to kill me and sends me pic of bloody "juju" 👹
I need help getting back at this guy please
Guys help out your sister and sign this petition
Man making impressive animal noises 🤯