When will dlc get announced?
Genuine question; what did you want from the game that we aren’t getting?
Things we're missing out on since snap is banned
What happened to snap?
Any suggestions on who to for next? I'm thinking Gorr, Wiccan, Scorn, Namora or maybe Peni. Just want some suggestions
Tried to make a Cerebro Doom 2099 deck, but you can’t since doom is one higher than the bots
I love when this happens
I just got Ajax and man thing to finish my toxic collection, but lots of decks are using anti venom. Is he necessary?
I want to go full toxic combo mode and get man thing and Ajax but idk. Any other card suggestions?
Kitty Pride Surtur Deck (Kind of a meme deck) (Some replacements for cards like Arana, Phastos and Agent vemon is Marvel boy, Elsa, Iron Heart, bast)
I never understood the but token value. How much is 100 tokens worth?
What is the fastest mission type for completing quests (Complete mission as ___, Eliminate husks with ___, etc.)
Lockdown scream
I have 6000 tokens. Who should I buy next? Thinking either red guardian, caiera, ghost spider or war machine, but down for any good card (Also want sage but waiting for it to be in keys)
I wanted to try and make this type of deck with new War Machine. Any suggestions to make it better?
Got lucky after unpinning red guardian. Should I do it? I think he’ll be amazing after the patch
I don’t own spider-Gwen. What happens when I buy this?
How did I lose this?
Whatever happened to the 2k videos. We only got 2 and I enjoyed a change in content
I can only buy one when they are available in the token shop. Which one will work best with arishem?
Thena Havoc deck (can replace with other 1 cost cards like hood, American chavas, Hawkeye, yondu, etc)
Gilgamesh taskmaster deck
RIP to all the people who spent $60+ on this trash game. But will it revive it?
Want this deck to work? Any suggestions? CL 7,276
Missing a lot of good cards for decks I want to build any recommendations?