What is your best advise in regards to contact with parents?
As teachers, what is something you wish every parent would know/do?
As parents, what is something you wish every teacher would know/do?
Cosmetisch dermatoloog in Tilburg?
[Routine Help] How can i change my skin routine to help me with reducing the appaerance of my large pores?
How can i change my skin routine to help me with reducing the appaerance of my large pores?
Does anyone have experience with the Wildbird Bugaway? I have just ordered it.
Is hyperpigmentation after red acne-like bumps normal on fair skin when you have rosacea?
Is the contraceptive implant Nexplanon available in belgium?
Dealing with condenscending and rude parents as an student reacher (long story).
How did pregnancy, giving birth and breastfeeding affect your rosacea?
How do combine rosacea with working out?
How do combine rosacequ with working out?
How do you combine working out/exercise with rosacea?
I have the implanon. No period. Pregnancy? I have a lot of stress
Which birth control do you think is best to stop periods with the least amount of side effects?
My arm with my Implanon has been hurting all day. Is this normal?
question/observation: when I lift my arm above my head my implant is much less tangible than when I have my arm resting down my body. Is this normal?
Questions about Implanon (hormonal implant)
I am a side sleeper and have slept on my arm. Should I worry about breaking or bending the implant?
Does ipl laser work for facial veins?